
It's funny"you"
I want to amplify power.

Profile -

中村浩之 1983年3月5日の長野県松本市生まれ。
2009年にデジタルハリウッド専門学校卒業後、Web製作会社に入社。HTML / CSSからjavascriptの演出・Ajaxまでフロントエンド部分をメインで担当。

Born in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture on March 5, 1983.
2009 After graduating from web-based vocational school, joined the web production company. We are responsible for the front-end part from HTML / CSS coding to directing javascript · Ajax.
From the basic coding I experienced various stages using js and CSS 3 in projects, responsible for smartphone development including site development, and responsible for implementing expressions using canvas. Joined Keshibi Corporation in 2016. I am in charge of building a scientific media site.
Expressions necessary for communication · I always think about what UI is and I draw a program as a kicker that connects with various people.

About this site -


This site projects and I am allowed to work, is a portfolio site that I go up the technology and expressions are in the mood. Sketches and experimental work we will have to publish regularly.

Works -

  • 金星探査機「あかつき」プロジェクトサイト


    I was in charge of the front end of the official content of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, "Venus Explorer" AKatsuki "Project Site. We are implementing simple interactions in responsive design. In relation to "orbit information" we implemented server communication and minimv infographics with canvas.

  • 国立天文台TMT推進室


    I was in charge of the front-end of the official site of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan TMT Promotion Office. Overall static pages from the layout for the CMS, implements a dynamic representation in JS.

  • 多波長で観る宇宙|国立天文台(NAOJ)


    Focused on the wavelength of the order to observe the universe, he was responsible for the front-end of the special site of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Among the liquid layout, we used the attention to the process to clearly display the information you want to show. Since the implementation of after a single page, such as a large image, we have the background reading.

  • OUNCE | Taylormade Wedding Films


    Etorofu Works Co., Ltd. was responsible for the front-end of the wedding film service "ounce" site to operate. And simple responsive support, we implement the TOP page in conjunction with API of vimeo.

  • 目黒区美術館


    I was in charge of the front-end of the official site of the Meguro Museum of Art. In cooperation with the back-end the person in charge gave a coding template of work of the static page.

Tumblr -

Sketch -

  • 01Drift-City夜のドライブは大地の輪郭が無くなって、浮遊感があるのが好き。
  • 02Encount直線移動するパーティクル同士が遭遇する瞬間を可視化
  • 03Dummy-Wave擬似的な波形
  • 04Grassyノイズグリッドで作る草原